Take Care Tuesday Workshop

It’s Self-care Time!
Every Tuesday for the month of December we will focus on devoting time to take care of YOU!

Feel Overwhelmed, tired, and burnt-out, but still saying yes to everyone and everything?

I have been seeing more and more people sharing posts on social media about not having enough time in the day for themselves. Have you been saying yes when you know you're exhausted mentally and physically? If you are someone who does this or even worse, doesn't take enough or any time for yourself, this workshop is just for you. No worries, this was me as one point in time. We get it! Now it is time to flip the script.

- Shantana Hazel , Founder, The Sister Girl Foundation

In this workshop, we will help you:

  • Master the Art of saying NO unapologetically 

  • Focus on the importance of your self care (understanding it may look different for everyone)

  • Learn to put your needs first (diving deep to understanding what your needs & wants actually look like)

  • Create a list to walk away with to implement your self care daily

We now have Sister Girl monthly memberships available!


#SisterGirlsRockPink - Making Strides of Fairfield County